Safe Link (ISVA)

Safe Link offers sexual assault follow up and empowerment for any victim of rape, sexual assault or abuse.

Victims can be seen in their own homes or locations near to where they live. Comprehensive assessment of needs and risks is carried out. A holistic support plan is drawn up to include:

  • A safe place to talk about what has happened
  • Confidential advice and support to victim and their family
  • Help with benefits and housing issues
  • Support attending Sexual Health Services
  • Help with medical attention if needed
  • Support with talking to employers
  • Reporting it to the police if that is what they want to do
  • Support with going to court
  • Group work (Peer Support)
  • Help with claiming compensation
  • Finding Interpreters if needed
  • Signposting and referrals to follow up services
  • Referral to counselling services
  • Gender: All genders
  • Age: All ages, including children
  • Location: Bristol, BANES, Somerset, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire
  • Case type: Non-recent or recent
  • Other: We have dedicated ISVA’s who support:
    adults, children and young people, Black and minoritised survivors, male survivors, adults with complex needs and mental ill health, LGBTQ+ survivors and survivors with learning difficulties.
In line with our Confidentiality Policy, all information is considered to be confidential and will not be disclosed to a third party without the consent of the victim except under certain circumstances where serious harm may occur to the individual or others if such information is not provided.

Not without the prior consent of the victim-survivor

We have one dedicated male worker for male victims if they feel more comfortable working with a man. All other staff are female.

We have one dedicated male worker for male victims if they feel more comfortable working with a man. All other staff are female.

Service's Logo


0333 323 1543

Head Office
5 Queen Square
(Victims can be seen in their own homes or locations near to where they live)

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 830am - 530pm

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