Dorset Pathways

Young People (Recent)

Listed below are services available in Dorset, for young people who have survived recent rape or sexual assault (within last 12 months).
Which service is right for the victim/survivor at this time?
Is the victim/survivor who has just disclosed information to you, safe?
Do you need to consider the following immediately? Do you have a safeguarding policy you need to follow?


Immediate danger call 999

Reporting and advice: Public Protection Unit call 101




Bournemouth –01202 458101

Dorset – 01202 228866

Poole  – 01202 735046

Additional risks

  • Domestic abuse
  • Forced marriage
  • Trafficking

For a safe medical examination to collect evidence which can be stored until they decide if they want to report to the police, and for crisis support.

The Shores

(SARC – Sexual Assault Referral Centre) (01202) 552056

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