Unseen (Trafficking)

Working towards a world without slavery.

We combine a micro and macro approach so that we both support exploited people & tackle the systemic issues of slavery. The expertise and insight gained in each area help us perform effectively across all of our work.

We focus on three main areas as we work towards a world without slavery;

  • Supporting survivors and potential victims of slavery; by providing access to a range of specialist services, enabling them to safely recover and develop resilient independent lives
  • Equipping stakeholders; by providing training, advice and resources to facilitate the identification and support of potential victims of slavery
  • Influencing systemic changes; by using our experience and research to impact and inspire transformation across legislation, policy and society.

Modern slavery is global, therefore we operate in the UK and beyond, actively seeking to work with others to maximise our impact.

Unseen works to initiate and lead projects that will directly help survivors re-establish their lives, begin the process of recovering from the horrific ordeals they have been subjected to and avoid becoming re-enslaved.

Unseen run two safe-houses, one for men and one for women. Unseen also runs a Resettlement, Outreach and Integration (RIO) service for survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery in the community. Survivors must be 18 years and over who are classified as survivors/victims of human trafficking / modern slavery and have been referred into the National Referral Mechanism. Access to support and accommodation is via The Salvation Army Modern Slavery Team on 0300 303 8151 but if you are concerned that someone you work with may be a victim of human trafficking / modern slavery then you can call our RIO team for advice on 03000 200 290.

These projects allow survivors to access a range of services to assist them on this journey and includes access to:

  • Medical care and treatment
  • Counselling
  • Legal advice and assistance
  • Holistic therapy sessions
  • Education
  • Financial assistance
  • Immigration advice
  • Assistance to return home or to reside in the UK

The Modern Slavery Helpline and Resource Centre is due to open in October 2016 and enables us to provide victims, the public, statutory agencies and businesses access to information and support on a 24/7 basis – Call 08000 121 700.

Unseen is committed to providing a confidential service and has a full Confidentiality Policy in place which is available on request.  The information provided by clients will be held in accordance with our policy and only shared if:

  • we have the client’s written permission or
  • there is a serious risk of harm or abuse to the client or someone else

Our safe-houses are staffed 24-7. Staff at all 3 projects are highly trained and specialist in relation to supporting survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery. Staff come from a range of backgrounds, bringing a wide variety of expertise to teams, for example mental health, social work, drugs and alcohol, counselling and asylum seeker / refugee support.

Service's Logo


0300 020 0290 - Resettlement, Integration and Outreach (RIO) team


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